A fully playable recreation of the original Sapkowski book with a true devotion to quality.

The Destination
Set on developing all the short stories found within the original book "The Last Wish" one at a time, and wrapping them up in a faithful blanket. 'The Lesser Evil' is the first one and showcases the vision of the project. Developed with a beating passion for the arts and over a decade of contemplation on the source material.
As Mr. Sapkowski once wrote, life can be as sad as a cow headed for slaughter. I hope this non-commercial project cheers you up. Many things felt visually the most present in the first Witcher, and the first game remains a strong artistic inspiration for the project in many aspects. The Last Wish Project is designed as an action adventure which compliments the books, not an RPG.

Your Help Is Welcome
Trying to release 'The Lesser Evil' in a good shape made me realise that free time is not enough. I took several months of unpaid vacation to polish everything, and it was not enough.
Your financial help would allow me to develop the rest of the project faster, full-time and focused, while worrying a lot less. Patreons and supporters will get a greater access to the process, priority in testing, along with a place in the credits. I also want to point out, that as of right now, AI was used to achieve voiceovers on a level that feels somewhat immersive. Nothing would please me more than volunteers having a go at it, or preferably, having the finances to pay for talent aswell.
Work In Progress
My Motivations
The art of The Witcher kindled a trully European sensitivity in the medium, which felt home to me. I fell in love with it way back as a child, and when the first editor came out many years ago, I spent thousands upon thousands of hours in it.
It had been my entry to plenty of things and discplines.
Many years have passed since then, I never thought I would return to REDKit and did not really anticipate the release of the new editor.
The past two years though I had been a target of an intense, criminal level of cyber-abuse and sociopathic harassment, this work has largely become my distraction and relief.
Scrubbing through the pages of Sapkowskis book and getting lost in remaking this beautiful work feels like a home, where I can fully express my sensitivities and meet good people.